

The Institute of Educational Technology, National Research Council of Italy is an interdisciplinary research institute whose focus covers educational sciences and psychology, computing, as well as disciplinary subjects like computer science, maths and physics. 

The main research areas the institute addresses are educational technologies for educational innovation and inclusive education (both special needs and social inclusion); social media research; game-based learning; learning design; ICT & disciplinary content (STEM, language and literacy, cultural heritage); tools, methods and innovative infrastructures for teacher education and training; new competencies for the knowledge society; models and methods for online learning; knowledge management and professional training.


Stefania Manca

Project Coordinator

Stefania Manca is Research Director at the Institute of Educational Technology of the National Research Council of Italy. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and is a PhD student in Education and ICT (e-learning). She has been active in the field of educational technology, technology-based learning, distance education and e-learning since 1995. Her research interests are social media and social network sites in formal and informal learning, teacher education, professional development, digital scholarship, and Student Voice-supported participatory practices in schools. She is currently working on a three-year research project about the use of social media for teaching and learning about the Holocaust through a learning ecologies perspective.

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donatella persico

team member

Donatella Persico is Research Director at CNR-ITD. She has been active in the field of educational technology since 1981. Her major research interests include learning design, e-learning, self-regulated learning, teacher training, game-based learning, learning analytics. She has been involved in several teacher training programmes as a lecturer in educational technology. She is author of educational material and scientific publications of various kinds, including books, educational software, multimedia material and research papers concerning various aspects of educational technology. She is editor of the Italian Journal of Educational Technology (formerly TD Tecnologie Didattiche).

Institute for Educational Consulting, University of Education of Weingarten, Weingarten (Germany)

The Institute for Educational Consulting was founded in January 2018 as part of the University of Education Weingarten (Germany) and is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The institute’s main task is to contribute to the transfer of education and knowledge into society and thus to strengthen society’s participation in academic discourse. Participatory projects are carried out in accordance with the principle of Community-Based Research (CBR). Relevant research questions thus come directly from civil society and the results are transferred back immediately. Community partners are equal actors and representatives of civil society, the object of investigation and overarching target group of CBR projects. Based on a broad thematic orientation, the institute fosters bidirectional transfer in the areas of nutrition and health, media competence, (written) language acquisition, supporting learning in mathematics, teachers’ professional development and social entrepreneurship.

Martin Rehm

Partner Coordinator

Martin Rehm obtained his PhD at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. He is currently the transfer manager at the Institute for Educational Consulting at the University of Education in Weingarten, Germany. His research interests include informal learning in social media, social opportunity spaces, and applying mixed methods to assess the educational value of social media. His recent work includes a contribution to the American Journal of Education entitled “Drinking From the Firehose—The Structural and Cognitive Dimensions of Sharing Information on Twitter?”.

susanne haake

Susanne Haake

Team Member

Susanne Haake is a postdoctoral research assistant in the Media Education and Visualization Group (MEVIS, University of Education Weingarten, Germany), an interdisciplinary research team focusing on research at Technology enhanced learning, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Games-based learning. She holds a doctorate in media studies from the University of Trier (Germany) on narratives and audio visual media history. She also worked for over 10 years as a media pedagogue in the context of holocaust education. Her current research focuses on analysing best practices in digital heritage context. Her interest is based on experience in using storytelling and digital media in the context of education and digital heritage. 

Department of Education and Psychology, University of Florence, Florence (Italy)

The Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Florence is devoted to producing research and divulging knowledge in the sectors of schools, teaching, educational and social relations, and training. Particular interest is placed on the assessment and development of human resources in public and private organizations; on individual, relational, social and environmental wellbeing; on the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in work contexts; on organizational change analysis and development services; on building social, health and educational services based on cultural, legal and scientific evidence, and the emerging needs of civil society. The department has signed an agreement with the Tuscany Regional Education Authority on Research, Training and Development of Holocaust Education and has adhered to the memorandum signed between the University of Florence and Yad Vashem. With this commitment, it supports exchange proposals on Holocaust Education with Israeli students and researchers. In recent years, the department has hosted several international and local training courses for teaching on Holocaust Education.

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Silvia Guetta

Partner Coordinator

Silvia Guetta has a PhD in Pedagogy and is Associate Professor at the University of Florence, where she currently holds courses in Pedagogy for Conflict Management and Social Pedagogy and Peace Education. She is the only Italian researcher who has carried out studies concerning the History of Jewish Education in Italy from the seventeenth century. She has published numerous articles, both in English and in Hebrew, that analyze the various dimensions of Jewish education. She has also conducted research and published articles in the field of General Pedagogy, with a specific focus on the Feuerstein method and how it is used to improve the quality of learning in intercultural and interreligious contexts. In addition, she is a member of the Transdisciplinary UNESCO Chair for Human Development and Culture of Peace and of the INEE international network (Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies). Furthermore, she is a member of the IHRA network (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) and has recently contributed to the writing of national guidelines for the didactics of Shoah education in Italy published by Italy’s Ministry of Education. She is coordinator of the memorandum signed between the University of Florence and Yad Vashem. Since 2015 she has overseen exchange proposals on Holocaust Education with Israeli students and researchers and has hosted several international and local training courses for teaching on Holocaust Education. The last training course proposed is “Participatory Action Research and Best Teaching Practices for Interdisciplinary Knowledge of the Holocaust”.
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Davide Capperucci

Team Member

Davide Capperucci, PhD, is senior researcher of Experimental Pedagogy at the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Florence (Italy). He earned his Doctorate in Quality of Education at the University of Florence where he teaches Experimental Pedagogy and Theories of instructional design and assessment methods. His research focuses on quantitative and qualitative methods of educational research, prevention of drop-out and early school leaving, school curriculum and personalization of learning, assessment, certification of achievements and social inclusion, school self-evaluation and quality assurance. He has participated in several local, national and international research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, UNESCO and European Union. He is author of several books and numerous articles in the field of teaching and learning for competences, teacher training, formative assessment and social development, learning and organizational evaluation. He is a member of the Italian Society of Pedagogy (SIPED), Italian Association of Media Education (SIREM), Italian Society of teaching & learning research.